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Tito's Spotlight: Mobile Loaves & Fishes

Tito's Handmade Vodka is proud to work with Mobile Loaves & Fishes to support their ten-year plan to mitigate homelessness and provide permanent homes for those living on the streets, and through Team Tito's volunteerism.

Mobile Loaves & Fishes (MLF) is a nonprofit that spreads goodness across the community providing food, clothing, and housing to those who are homeless in our hometown of Austin, Texas. The nonprofit helps those in need through three initiatives: the Community First! Village, micro-enterprise opportunities for those experiencing homelessness to earn an income, and the "largest prepared feeding program for the homeless and working poor" in the city.

tito's vodka MLF village

Team Tito's and MLF community members help beautify the village entrance.

When MLF began their food truck program in 1998, they noticed one of the reasons people experienced chronic homelessness was a "profound, catastrophic loss of family," and set a goal to help fix the epidemic. MLF believes that homelessness can't be treated until fundamental human needs are met and consoled, which is the mission behind their 27-acre Community First! Village that provides affordable housing and a supportive community to the disabled and chronically homeless in Central Texas.

The nonprofit's community is built from the roots up, with a fresh farm of fruits and vegetables and activities that empower community members. Members of the community have the opportunity to work alongside volunteers for an income tending to the garden, making art, blacksmithing, woodworking and cooking up meals for friends.

In May, Team Tito's took a trip to the Community First! Village to help tidy up, plant lots of love, and foster friendship along the way.

Team Tito's planted $600 worth of trees and plants at the Community Inn, built raised beds for crops, and potted seeds like avocado and mangos that will grow into fruit-bearing trees. Over in the air conditioning, other members of the team put on their cooking aprons and created sous vide-styled meals for the farmer's market and helped tidy up facilities.

Tem Tito's planting fruit trees for the MLF geodome

Team Tito's help plant fruit trees in the MLF geodome.

To learn more about Mobile Loaves & Fishes and find out how you can get involved, visit their website at and follow them on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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